Company Message

Ages before airplanes were seen in the skies, or the smart phone became the ultimate multi-tool carried at man's side, in the dream time of human history, this most rare and obscure of modern objects, the throwstick, was then one of the most sought after of multi-tools on at least 5 continents. What is now so rare that many people have never even heard of it, was once highly prized by our ancestors and carried on long treks where tools were few and had to be multi-purposed.
Modern man is finding that while our smart phones are essential tools for modern survival, our hearts truly still long to take our ancestral powers back. Throwsticks.com is a gateway back to an earlier age. A place to rediscover just how highly advanced, exciting, and empowering true primitive technology really can be. To recover the full potential of that elemental, primal and instinctive thing that separates us from the animals - the ability to throw. Welcome to the realm of human powered flight.
An International Product Made in the USA
Our products have ancient roots on both this continent as well as others around the world. They represent a heritage shared by all human beings. Yet they are most deeply inspired by the Australian bushcraft tradition and specifically the work of the Australian Aboriginal peoples. It's with gratitude and respect that we acknowledge the inspiration and pure genius of their work.
The fine 28 plait Australian kangaroo bullwhip pictured here was hand made by Benjamin Scott, who has 23 years experience in the art of fine whipmaking. This bullwhip harmoniously blends two different colors of leather as well as the traditions of two continents. This same theme continues in his throwsticks.
Throwsticks is family owned and operated in the United States and based in the rugged and beautiful Sierra Nevada foothills. We are proud both to be a part of the longstanding tradition of innovation, thrift, handicraft, and hard work that has typified this great country we live in, and also to contemplate the spirit of those who dwelt in these hills before we did, who used the scrub oak trees to make their own throwsticks, long ago.

Human Survival & Stewardship
Throwsticks is a proud sponsor of Survival, the global movement for tribal people's rights, which is the only organization that champions tribal peoples around the world. Survival helps them defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.
As a manufacturer of products of ancient and tribal origins, it is our intention to foster the utmost respect towards tribal and "primitive" peoples, and to exhibit to the world that such people groups were and are far from truly primitive. In actuality, in most cases, tribal peoples have possessed a pragmatic wisdom which has allowed them to be better stewards of the earth than more imperial and technologically advanced societies have often proven to be.
A Chip Off the Old Throwstick

Throwsticks.com is a mixture of both old and new. The irony of our products are that they are primarily of ancient origin, with modern materials and construction. We sell advanced primitive survival tools and we feel that this is a fine marriage. For as mankind learns to honor and respect both the past and the future, he can find a way to live in the middle in the way that man was always meant to live - as a proud steward of that precious thing called life, whether of humans, plants, or animals. It is with this belief in the good and purpose of humanity and a hope for the future of all together, that we have pulled an ancient survival tool out of the past and pass it into new hands, into the future.
Thus, we humbly beseech each of our customers to stand for the same things we do - respect for heritage, for humanity, for the planet which sustains us with life and for the animals we have power over through technology and our ability to throw. The throwstick is a hunting tool. It is something to put food on the fire for when food is needed, but never something to use cruelly to no worthy end. Thus, stand tall, aim straight, and carry your throwstick into the future with pride. We have set your flight path out in front of you to be a straight one, but it's up to you where you will aim. Aim well and join our tribe.
Now from our family to yours...